How much does a uParcel Delivery Partner earn in a month in Malaysia?
5 July 2022

You might make a sizable salary as a uParcel Delivery Partner. The average monthly salary for our delivery partners is $3,000, and our best delivery partners make over $5,000. Of course, other things like tips and the number of deliveries you make will affect your income as well. The commission you will receive will increase as the cost of the delivery job increases.
The calculation is straightforward: for instance, 80 CM (H+L+W) & MAX 5KG parcel size, 3 hours Delivery partners will be paid 80% of the RM15 express delivery type and will receive RM12. If a delivery partner completes 20 identical deliveries of the same size and type 6 days a week. He can make RM5760 by making 20 deliveries a day.
You may see the rates, sizes, and delivery options we offer our customers. By doing so, you may schedule your time and select jobs that are right for you. Even with the minimum delivery cost per job that you choose to complete, by increasing the number of jobs of the same delivery. It is possible for you to make at least RM3,000 every month. Here’s the formula "<$$ of delivery task x 80%> x number of deliveries x number of delivery days = your income". 80 per cent of the delivery payments will be remitted to agents, with a 20 per cent commission charged by uParcel.
The advantage of becoming a contract delivery partner with uParcel. Every two weeks, you receive an automatic payout. Jobs finished between Jan 1 and 15 will be processed between February 22 and 24, while jobs delivered between Jan 16 and 31 will be processed between Feb 7 and 9 of the following month. Payment will be made to the given bank account via GIRO bank transfer.
Become a freelance delivery agent with uParcel to start making more than RM5,000 a month right away!